For fun and understanding on how images are setup, you can play around with generating ASCII images CImage.

#An example

Here is a car.

This car can be converted to a ASCII image using the option &ascii. It could look like this.


#Options for ASCII

You can send options through the &ascii=option1,option2,option3,optional-string. This is currently undocumented. Check img_config.php or CAsciiArt.php for details of the options.

#Configuration of ASCII art

The default section from the config file looks like this.

 * Default options for ascii image.
 * Default values as specified below in the array.
 *  ascii-options:
 *   characterSet:       Choose any character set available in CAsciiArt.
 *   scale:              How many pixels should each character
 *                       translate to.
 *   luminanceStrategy:  Choose any strategy available in CAsciiArt.
 *   customCharacterSet: Define your own character set.
/*'ascii-options' => array(
        "characterSet" => 'two',
        "scale" => 14,
        "luminanceStrategy" => 3,
        "customCharacterSet" => null,